Mosor/Pasman crew & service

Begonnen von izi, 15 Dezember 2012, 21:02:05

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

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Hi all,
I have been researching my father and it appears he served on the Mosor/Pasman, I am requiring any information on thjis boat, crew, service, in fact anything to dop with this boat.

Sorry I have to write in English but my German is terrible...

Any help greatly appreciated.

Many thanks


Hi Anneliese,

here comes some Informations you are looking for

CJMN Mosor
com. 1931

Builder:  Jadranska Brodogradilista, Kraljevica
Displacement standard   130 t
Displacement full           142 t
Length                            30.0 m
Breadth                                   8.00 m
Draught                                   1.60 m
No of shafts                            2
Machinery                        VTE, 2 boilers
Power                                      280 h.p.
Max speed                                 9 kts
Fuel                                           oil
Armament                     1 x 1 - 47/44 Škoda, mines
Complement                             30

In late 1917 for Austro-Hungarian Navy a MT class of 14 minesweepers-minelayers on Danubius (Porto Ré, subsequently Yugoslavian Kraljevitsa) was laid down. Till the end of First World War only 3 ships were commissioned, in 1920 they were commissioned by Italian Navy (Albona class). Remained hulls continued to rust on the stocks, and only in 1931 five of them were completed for Yugoslavian Navy.
All 5 ships were captured by German troops in Kotor Bay 17.4.1941 and transferred to Italy.

Ex-Yugoslavian minelayer Mosor, transferred to Italy 22.4.1941 and renamed Pasman. September 1943 captured by Germans, officially transferred to Croatia 31.12.1943 and wrecked while on way to outfitting in Pola. Pasman was never fully commissioned by German or Croatian navies.

Pasman ran aground and wrecked 5.1.1944 in Kozja Draga Bight off Ist Island, captured by boarding party from partisan ship NB3 and demolished 13.1.1944. Fate of 36 german and croatian crew unclear.

Can you tell something about your father and his service in the navy.

regards and welcome


Hi and thanks for your information. The following is some of theinformation I have managed to obtain...

Diensteintritt in die Kriegsmarine: 15.09.1942
Zeit: Kommando

15.09.1942 - n. v. 17. Schiffsstammabteilung, Memel
n. v., laut Meldung
vom 13.07.1943 2. Kompanie Marinebordflakabteilung Süd, Neapel
13.07.1943 - 16.07.1943 Kriegslazarett Neapel wegen Erkrankung
n. v. - 31.12.1943 2. Kompanie 22. Marinebordflakabteilung, Triest-Geignano

On 31 December 1943, the Partisans captured 24 German sailors from the minesweeper "Mosor" which had ran aground on the eastern shore of the Ist island (21 miles NW of Zadar)...

In a Partisan document dealing with prisoner exchanges dated 30 January 1944, one sees that

    "Alfred Koren [sic]"

is on the list; his Feldpostnummer was 58238, which according to

belonged to

    Feldpostnummer 58238
    (12.3.1943-7.9.1943) 2. Kompanie 2. Marine-Bordflak-Abteilung Süd,
    (8.9.1943-22.4.1944) 24.11.1943 2. Kompanie 22. Marine-Bordflak-Abteilung .

Am not sure if Alfred Koren is my father as he was Corssen!!!!


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