Motorsegler Tritone

Begonnen von Kroatischemarine, 10 Oktober 2007, 21:51:37

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


Ich suhe etwas uber auf Motorsegler Tritone wie an die nacht 29./30.07. 1944. am Insel Vir stranden und gesunken. Das Schiff hat 300 t Mehl. Englandere hat 2 MGB und 1 MTB.
"Ich habe mein Pflicht getan"
Freg.Kpt. Karl-Friedrich Birnbaum



Picture of beached Tritone on the coast of island Vir

"Ich habe mein Pflicht getan"
Freg.Kpt. Karl-Friedrich Birnbaum


Hier schon einmal das Gröbste:

Tritone war ein Neubau der Werft Cant. San Giusto in Pirano welcher unfertig zum Weiterbau von der Mittelmeer Handels- und Industrie GmbH. übernommen wurde.
Als AUFTRAG 17 weiter gebaut und später als TRITONE - A 316 für die Mittelmeer Reederei in Fahrt.
Vom Stapellauf gab es bei E- Bay wunderschöne Aufnahmen ( it. Flagge, großes deutsches Kreuz am Steuerhaus ) Artikelnummer: 140014132427 welche genau zeigte das es sich um einen Holzbau handelte. Leider konnte man von Deutschland aus nicht mit den in Großbritannien lebenden Käufer z3m
in Verbindung kommen.
Nach meinen Informationen ist TRITONE am 30.7.1944 nördl. der Insel Vier durch sechs britische MTB in Brand geschossen worden und sank.
4 Vermißte, 1 Mann wurde gefangen genommen.

mehr noch unter,36284,36296#msg-36296


...ärgere dich nicht über deine Fehler und Schwächen, ohne sie wärst du zwar vollkommen, aber kein Mensch mehr !


Story about Tiritone last night:

On the 29th/30th July MGB-662 (Tim Bligh), MGB - 660 (Lt. A. H. Robinson) and MTB - 634 (Lt. Walter Blount) were ordered by Morgan Giles to patrol north of Zadar amd they sailed from Komiža in a brisk wind with moderate sea and swell. All three boats passed through the Maknare Chanell at 17 knots and steered close to Vir island. For four hours -apart from a sweep round the island to the inner channel - the three boats were lying stopped fifty yards off the north-western point of Vir. Then at 01.55 h, through binoculars, they saw a ship three-quarters of a mile away to the eastwards. Bligh ordered the boats to close at 14 knots, and soon the ship was identified as a two-masted schooner of between 150 and 200 feet long. Bligh was intrigued by some rather odd superstructure fitted both forward and aft, and suspected that she might be so-called "Q-schooner". He could get into an inshore position and closed the range  to about 500 m to carry out an orthodox gun attack, opening fire at 02.11 h. All three boats scored many hits, but the enemy returned fire from aft in what Bligh later called "a most half-hearted and irresponsible fashion" for about thirty seconds. Robinson, in MGB - 660, was ordered to close and destroy the schooner. For about five minutes all his guns poured fire into the vessel, but she stubbornly refused to burnst into flames. As she seemed to have drifted ashore, Bligh ordered Robinson to stand clear while Blount fired one torpedo. This was neatly done at 02.24 h and falling debris hit Robinson`s boat, damaging her charthouse.
Bligh than closed in MGB - 662 to look for survivors and identify the schooner. He found a couple of German marines clinging to a dinghy and they were dragged aboard. The schooner, blown in half by the torpedo, was seen to have been carrying flour and fodder. When the two Germans were interrogated it was discovered that the schooner was the 390-ton Tritone, a brand new ship on her maiden voyage. Incidentally, the two Germans provided the explanation why forward gun - a 20 mm - never open fire. They were the crew for it, and they said there was never any intention on their part to fight three British "cannon-boats". They jumped over the side immediately the boats open fire, and they appeared to be the only survivors of the vrew of eleven lived to avoid fighting another day.
"Ich habe mein Pflicht getan"
Freg.Kpt. Karl-Friedrich Birnbaum


If anybody have some picture of Tritone :?
"Ich habe mein Pflicht getan"
Freg.Kpt. Karl-Friedrich Birnbaum

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