The mechanism of the vertical circulation of the waters of the oceans

Begonnen von Yusup, 13 März 2019, 22:50:00

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The reason for the formation of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea.
Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences

The wind waves enrich the water with oxygen only to a depth of several tens of meters of the seas and oceans surface, while the whirlpools deliver the water enriched with oxygen to a depth of more than 10 km. (Mariana Trench) 
How does this happen:

The waters of the lakes, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, and the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, forming giant whirlpools.

As is known, everything that rotates, including whirlpools, has the property of a gyroscope (whirligig) to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space, regardless of the rotation of the Earth.

If you look at the Earth from the side of the Sun, the whirlpools, rotating with the Earth, overturn, due to which the whirlpools precess, resulting in a vertical movement of ocean water.

The presented theory can easily be verified by relation between the oxygen content and the whirlpools rotation speed. 
Based on the map of the depths and currents of the seas and oceans. 
The higher the current velocity, the greater the oxygen content and the lower the hydrogen sulfide content.

List of seas with low oxygen content: 
Black Sea. East of the Mediterranean. Gulf of Mexico. Norway fjords. 
As we see, whirlpools are involved not only in the horizontal circulation of the sea and ocean waters, but also in the vertical.

The coefficient of oxygen content can be expressed mathematically by the following formula O = V / G
V - whirlpool rotation speed, km / h.
G - depth of the reservoir, km.
Black Sea 0.2 / 1200 = 0.00016
Sea of Okhotsk 1/800 = 0.0012

Vertical movement of ocean waters can be convincingly modeled using simple experience.
For this, a half-filled vessel with a rotating liquid (bucket, tumbler, mixer) must be rotated around itself (in orbit).
If the liquid in the bucket rotates to the right, the bucket around itself (in orbit) must be rotated to the left.

Vertical and horizontal circulation is a vital fundamental law of nature, without which life in the ocean would be impossible.
The vertical and horizontal circulation is accompanied by side and non-vital effects of nature: ebb and flow, seasonal sea level rise, killer waves.
The speed of currents in real time
Seasonal increase in the level of waters of the seas and oceans.
Institute of Water Problems, RAS

The waters of the lakes, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, and the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, forming cyclonic gyres.
The main cause of rotation of the whirlpools are local winds, flowing into the seas and oceans of the river and the deflecting force of Coriolis.

And the higher the speed of the winds, the higher the speed of rotation of the whirlpools, and as a result, the higher the centrifugal force of the whirlpools, thereby increasing the water level of the seas and oceans.
And the lower the speed of rotation of the whirlpools, the lower the water level of the seas and oceans.
The speed of currents along the perimeter of the seas and oceans is not the same everywhere and depends on the depth of the coast.
In the shallow part of the seas and oceans, the flow moves fast, and in the deep water part of the seas and oceans the flow moves slowly ..

Seasonal rise in the water level is observed not along the entire coast of the seas and oceans, but only on those coasts where the high angular velocity of the currents and, as a result, the high centrifugal force of the water. (Centrifugal force F = mv2 / r).
On straight coasts, where currents do not have an angular velocity, the water level does not rise.

The waters of the Gulf of Finland rotate counterclockwise, forming a whirlpool in the form of an ellipse.
And when seasonal south-westerly winds unwind the whirlpool to 5 km / h, the centrifugal force of the whirlpool rises, thanks to which the water level rises to 30 cm on the east coast of the Gulf of Finland.
A similar pattern of seasonal increase in water levels is observed in all lakes, seas and oceans ..

The average depth of the Gulf of Finland is about 50 meters, on the east coast about 5 meters, in the west of the bay it is about 100 meters, for this reason the linear and angular velocity of the currents on the east coast of the Gulf of Finland are much higher (as much as the depth of the coast increases, the speed of currents increases as much ) ..

In the Gulf of Finland, the seasonal increase in water levels has two peaks: in August-September, and in December-January and in time, coincide with the season of south-westerly winds.
The speed of the current in the Gulf of Finland reaches from 2 to 17 km / hour, and the maximum speed of the current on Earth reaches 30 km / hour, the wind speed is more than 100 km / hour.§ion=6&menu_code=1734

The waters of the North Sea rotate counterclockwise, forming a huge whirlpool.
And when seasonal northwestern storm winds unleash a whirlpool (up to 20 km / h on the southern coast), the centrifugal force of the whirlpool rises, thanks to which, on the southern coast of the North Sea, the level rises to 5 meters.
(Storm surge 2.5 meters, centrifugal surge 2.5 meters).

The waters of the Caspian Sea rotate counterclockwise, forming a whirlpool in the form of an ellipse.
And when the seasonal winds and the flood river Volga unleash a whirlpool, the centrifugal force of the whirlpool rises, so that, on the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, the water level rises to 1 meter.

The average depth of the Caspian Sea is about 200 meters, on the north coast about 5 meters, on the south coast about 500m.
Due to this, in the north of the Caspian Sea the speed of the current increases from 1 to 10 km / h.
In the Caspian Sea, the peak of the seasonal water level increase is observed in June-August and coincides in time with the season of winds and the high water of the Volga River.
During a drought over the Volga River basin, the level of the Caspian Sea does not rise.

In the Bay of Bengal, in the season of monsoon winds, the whirlpool speed rises to 10 km / h, due to which the seasonal increase in the water level reaches 1.2 meters.
High and low tides are the result of the earth rotation and of the whirlpools. 
Department of Oceanology, MSU

There is a strict pattern - tides are formed not along the entire coast of the seas and oceans, but only on those coasts with a high current velocity, and the higher the velocity of the currents, the higher the amplitude of the tidal wave. 
No tides are formed on these coasts where currents do not have a high velocity.

The waters of the lakes, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, and the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, forming giant whirlpools.

As is well known, everything that rotates, including whirlpools, has the property of a gyroscope (whirligig) to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space, regardless of the rotation of the Earth.

If you look at the Earth from the side of the Sun, the whirlpools, rotating with the Earth, overturn, twice a day, due to which the whirlpools precess (sway by 1-2 degrees) and reflect a tidal wave from themselves along the entire perimeter of the whirlpool.

The waters of the White Sea rotate counterclockwise, forming a huge whirlpool-gyroscope, which, while precessing, reflects a tidal wave along the entire perimeter of the White Sea. 
A similar pattern of tides is observed in all lakes, seas, and oceans.

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea rotate counterclockwise, forming tides 10-15 cm high. But in the Gulf of Gabes, off the coast of Tunisia, the height of the tides reaches three meters, and sometimes more, and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature. But at the same time, a whirlpool rotates in the Gulf of Gabes, precessing and reflecting an additional tidal wave.
The tidal wave in the Amazon River is created a huge planetary whirlpool with a diameter of several thousand kilometers, rotating between South America and North Africa, covering the mouth of the Amazon River. 
The pattern of tidal wave movement over the perimeter of the North Atlantic planetary whirlpool.

The tidal wave length depends on the whirlpool diameter. And the tidal wave height depends on the whirlpool rotation speed, the Earth orbital velocity, and the whirlpool tilting time (12 hours).
А = V1•V2/t 
where: A - tidal wave amplitude (precession angle). 
V1 - whirlpool rotation speed. 
V2 - the Earth orbital velocity. 
t - whirlpool tilting time (12 hours).
The amplitude of the tides also depends on the size of the whirlpool, the amount of water under the whirlpool, the distance from the coast to the whirlpool and the direction of flow (north, south, west, east).

The whirlpool theory of tides can easily be verified by relation between the tidal wave height and the whirlpools rotation speed. 
By the tides height you can determine the speed of the current along the coast, based on a map of sea currents.
The current that moves along the coast reflects a tidal wave both towards the coast and towards the open sea.
Table of the dependence of the amplitude of the tides on the speed of the current, on any coast.
1 km / h - 1 meter
5 km / h - 5 meter
10 km / h - 10 meter
15 km / h - 15 meter
The speed of currents in real time
Killer Waves The official group of the Institute of Earth Sciences SFU

A tidal wave moving across the ocean is called a soliton.
When a soliton collides with the coastline of the continent, ebbs and flows are formed. When solitons collide, two adjacent whirlpools, a killer wave is formed. Killer Waves
This can be checked by throwing two stones at the same time in a bath of water. When a soliton collides, the resulting killer wave foams and a larger wave pulls a smaller wave somewhat.
You can create a half-meter-killer wave with a duration of 0.5 seconds, if two divers simultaneously jumped with a "bomb" into the reservoir from a height of 2 meters, with a distance between them of 3 meters.
If you throw two pieces of sugar into a glass of tea at the same time and a killer wave forms there.
The mechanism of formation of a tidal wave in rivers and killer waves in the oceans is similar, and the height of the tidal wave in a river depends on the speed of the flow of water in a river.

The location of the possible stoning of the killer waves can be predicted from the whirlpool charts and, accordingly, to lay routes.
An approaching killer wave or tsunami can be partially neutralized by creating a series of oncoming waves, torpedoes or projectiles.
If two waves do not collide with each other, then they freely walk on the ocean, and they are called solitons or Rossby waves.
"Three sisters are a collision of a soliton with three storm waves ..

Solitons, reflected around themselves in whirlpools, colliding with storm waves, create a killer wave and are the main cause of ships wreck.
And knowing the distribution schedule of solitons by whirlpools, one should accordingly choose the time and route of movement in the seas and oceans.
The perimeter of the seas and oceans, I believe, is the most dangerous place for anchorage and movement of ships, especially where there is a high whirlpool speed.
The center of the whirlpool, I believe, is the safest place to wait out bad weather, and it is advisable to install a buoy in the center of the whirlpool.
The map shows the areas of the most frequent occurrence of killer waves.
In the North Atlantic, killer waves form mainly along the perimeter of the North Atlantic planetary whirlpool, as a result of a collision of a tidal wave with storm waves (three sisters) ..
The animation shows how in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, as a result of the collision of tidal waves reflected by the North Atlantic and South Atlantic planetary whirlpools, a killer wave is formed ..

The clock set on the animation shows that killer waves in the Bermuda Triangle are formed twice a day at 12 and 24 hours.
Based on the demonstrated animation, you can make a calendar of formation of killer waves not only for future years but also for previous ones.

In the season of long, eastern winds in the north of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and floods of the rivers flowing into the Penzhinsky Bay, the current speed in the north of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk increases several times, due to which, in the north of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the water level, the amplitude of tides and killer waves increases.
The current, which moves along the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, reflects a tidal wave both towards the coast and towards the open sea. (South).

The discovery was published in the Russian-German scientific peer-reviewed journal "Eastern European Scientific Journal" No. 3/2015. Page 64. June
Scientific journal "NBICS-Science. Technologies" No. 4/2018. Page 104.
(Nanotechnology Society of Russia)
A positive review was also received from the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Continued: The mechanism of the vertical circulation of the waters of the oceans.
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Hegel G.V.F.


Why is the tidal wave height three times lower in the equatorial zone than in temperate zones?

According to the lunar theory of tides, the crust at a latitude of London rises and falls twice a day with an amplitude of about 20 cm, and the amplitude at the equator exceeds 50 cm (2.5 times more).
Then why in the equatorial zone the amplitude of the tides ranges from 0 - 6 meters and in temperate zones from 0 - 18 meters?
The highest tides on Earth are formed in the Bay of Fundy in North America - 18 m, in the mouth of the River Severn in England - 16 m, in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel in France - 15 m, in the lips of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Penzhinskaya and Gizhiginskaya - 13 m , at Cape Nerpinsky in the Mezen Bay - 11 m.
If it is logical to argue, at the equator the height of the tide should be 35 - 40 meters. Also, if the Bay of Fundy were located at the equator, the height of the tide would be about 45 meters. The whirlpool theory of tides explains this discrepancy by the absence of whirlpools, cyclones and anticyclones at the equator. For the formation of whirlpools, cyclones and anticyclones, the deflecting force of Coriolis is necessary. At the equator, the effect of the Coriolis force is minimal and in the temperate zones, maximum.
Information on tides in some ports of the world

The whirlpool tide theory can be easily verified by relating the height of the tidal wave to the speed of the whirlpools.
List of seas with an average rotational speed of whirlpools of more than 0.5 km / h and an average tidal wave height of more than 5 cm: Irish Sea, North Sea, Barents Sea, Baffin Sea, White Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Arabian Sea, Sargasso Sea , Hudson Bay, Maine Bay, Alaska Bay, etc.
List of seas with an average whirlpool rotation speed of less than 0.5 km / h and an average tidal wave height of less than 5 cm: the Baltic Sea, the Greenland Sea, the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Azov, the Chukchi Sea, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the Red Sea, the Marmara Sea , Caribbean Sea, Sea of ​​Japan, Gulf of Mexico, etc.
Note: the height of the tidal wave (soliton) and the amplitude of the ebb and flow are not the same.
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Hegel G.V.F.


The satellite of Jupiter Io, is the most geologically active object in the solar system, and has more than 400 active volcanoes.
It is believed that Io's mantle heats up due to the tidal force that arises due to the eccentricity of the satellite's orbit, as a result of which, Io contracts and stretches like an accordion.

And according to the lunar "tide theory", for the formation of a "tidal effect" Io must rotate around its own axis, and Io always faces one side of Jupiter.
And let's not forget that "tidal force" depends more on the radius of the planet than on the force of gravity.
At the same time, the eccentricity of the orbit of the Moon and the Earth is much greater than that of Io.
The eccentricity of the orbit of Io is 0.004.
The eccentricity of the lunar orbit is 0.05.
The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit is 0.2.
Io's orbit is almost circular.
The question arises why on the Moon, the Earth and satellites that move along a hyperbole, similar geological activity does not occur.Эксцентриситет_орбиты's_magnetosphere
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Hegel G.V.F.


The animation shows how the waters flowing from the Bay of Fundy into the Bay of Man rotate the whirlpool, so that, whirling, precessing reflects the tidal wave in the direction of the Bay of Fundy.
During the flood of the rivers flowing into the Bay of Fundy, the current speed in the north of the Gulf of Maine rises to 20 km / hour, as a result of which the height of the tides reaches 18 meters.,43.37,3000/loc=-68.002,43.607
Mezen Bay White Sea tide height reaches 10 m.,69.34,3000/loc=44.515,68.005
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Hegel G.V.F.


Currents that move along the equator reflect a tidal wave to the north and south, twice a day.
And the currents that move along the meridian reflect from themselves a tidal wave to the west and east, twice a day.
This can be checked with simple experience, if you rotate the globe around the axis and orbit, entwined along the equator and meridian
a polyethylene hose on which liquid moves.
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Hegel G.V.F.

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