Lazarettschiff BRIGITTE

Begonnen von Dido, 24 August 2016, 10:31:25

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Zitat von: TD am 28 Juni 2007, 00:49:36
Die kleine BRIGITTE:

(#####)    Brigitte - Saloniki 256 (        ) 75 BRT, 100 Ldt; 80 PSe; M/P Lefti; 12.5.1941 Chalkis dt. Beute; 20.5.1941 i. D. als Lazarettschiff Brigitte; 8.1941 a. D.; 10.1943 Piräus, seeuntüchtig, Personentransporte im Hafenverkehr, Marine-Bauamt Piräus
LEFKI was a small steamer employed prewar in passenger services to the suburbs around Salonica. She was requisitioned on 28.10.1940 and was dispatched to Naziki (near Salonica) to act as observation boat to alert for enemy submarine sightings.
In 4.1941 she took the personnel from the gun emplacement at Aretsou, loaded two A/A guns and took them to Chalkis.
The post-1943 story of BRIGITTE/ex-LEFKI is still missing.
Attached is a photo of BRIGITTE as a hospital ship.

Zitat von: byron am 28 Juni 2007, 18:36:53
Nein Theo,

Das Wort "Lefti" hat keine Bedeutung auf griechisch, dagegen "Lefki", oder richtiger geschrieben "Leuki" (eu = ef ), bedeutet "die Weisse", ein üblicher Name bei Booten hier.
Wir hatten auch in Saloniki ein Boot unter dem Namen "Leuki" das uns zu den Badeküsten auf die östlichen Gebiete des Golfes brachte.
As Byron wrote, there was a postwar LEFKI operating local services from Salonica. Attached are two photos of the postwar LEFKI.
The hull lines of the ship are similar to BRIGITTE and I tend to believe that the prewar and the postwar LEFKI are the same one ship.
Of course it could be just a case where the new ship took the name of the old one, in order to inherit its fame.
LEFKI continued to operate from Salonica into the 1960s.


Hallo! Vielen Dank. Ausgezeichnete Informationen und Fotos. Grüße Muchibushi  :MG:


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Auch ich danke für die schönen Fotos.

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With information derived from the Register Office in Salonica, it is now verified that the pre and post war LEFKI was the same ship.
She was built in 1936 by I. Kalpegiatzides and her owners were N. & D. Arapis & K. Tsotsopoulos.
She was scrapped in 1972.
Attached are two more photos of LEFKI.

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