Minentreffer MZ 783 am 25.03.1943?

Begonnen von Darius, 07 Januar 2012, 18:41:04

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Hallo zusammen,

gem. dieser Liste hier:
--/>/> http://digilander.libero.it/carandin/cadutigaeta2gm.htm

ist ein
GRANATA Damiano Vincenzo Di Biase
Annunziata 25/01/1920
Marinaio Cannoniere
Motozattera 783
urto contro mina
Mare Mediterraneo Centrale
Morto 25/03/1943
1 Croce di guerra

am 25.03.1943 durch einen Minentreffer auf MZ 783 gefallen.

Hat jemand von Euch etwas zu diesem Vorfall? Dies kann auch ggf. ja früher gewesen sein.

Unser Datensatz im Archiv hat noch unter diesem Datum keinen Vermerk.

Danke &  :MG:



Hallo Martin,

ich habe für:

MZ 783

21.03.1943   An Bizerta
(KTB Seetra Italien)

23.3.1943 ausgelaufen
(KTB Seetra Bizerta)

Es wird meistens von z oder 19 MZ auslaufen usw. gesprochen

Leider 23.3. kein Ziel für MZ 783 angegeben.


...ärgere dich nicht über deine Fehler und Schwächen, ohne sie wärst du zwar vollkommen, aber kein Mensch mehr !

de domenico

Yes, on 25.3.1943 at 06:40 MZ 783 hit a mine of a minefield between Trapani and Tunisi. She lost her stern, and had 9 crewmen missing and 3 wounded, among them Cann. P.S. Damiano Granata, who later died on board of his wounds. MZ 783 had sailed from Trapani at 18:30 on 24.3.1943 together with MZ 778 to search for survivors of destroyers MALOCELLO and ASCARI (both mined and sunk on 24.3 with 1,400 German soldiers on board along with PANCALDO and CAMICIA NERA). MZ 778 for her part was strafed by 2 Allied P-38s and had one crewman seriously wounded. As for MZ 783, she went adrift powerless for four days, covering almost 300 miles, until a motor-schooner was able to take her in tow at 14:45 of 29 March, reaching Arbatax (Sardinia) at 18:00.

Source: Tullio Marcon, "I muli del Mare", Mendola, 1982.


Hallo zusammen,

vielen Dank für die ausführliche Antworten.





Hello de Domenico,

a second question: was MZ 783 repaired again?



de domenico

Dear Darius, I see that Martin Goretzki has brought the HSA entry for MZ 783 up to date in real time, so to speak. I also saw that the entries from MZ 701 to 731 had the same treatment over the last few days drawing from my work on the subject done for Betasom, provider of "Almanacco Storico della MMI". I am very glad about it.

As for MZ 783, she was towed for possible repairs from Sardinia to Leghorn, where she was lying at 9 Sept. 1943. I suoppose that the repairs were not completed at that date (and probably not even started), so that the Kriegsmarine was unable to use a halved MFP. MZ 783 had lost her entire stern section from the engine room (which was wrecked) backwards, and her hull was distorted.


Hello De Domenico,

thank you for the additional data.



P.S.: Yes, I´ve updated our HMA database for the MZs in the last days - and found the question about MZ 783 in this way.

de domenico

Well, I'll try to complete the MZ database on Almanacco Storico della MM in the near future, drawing on several sources including HMA. So we shall cross-reference each other. The difficult part will be when I go to the MTC 1010 and 1101 usw. former MFPs. I miss a couple of identifications, which were proved wrong in Groener.

Best regards,


Hello Francesco,

yes - we should do this. Feel free to put questions or your progress with data for ASDMM on our forum.

Some guys here are analysing the existing KTBs form german view-point and updating the Gröner-Files - so have a look here in the future.




Does anyone know what happened to MZ 783/F 2783 after September 1943?


Hallo Francesco
Weder im KTB der 2. L-Flottille noch im KTB der 4 L-Flottille (Taktische Gliederungen) wird F 783 aufgeführt.
Unsere Quelle [2] www.archeologiaindustriale.it ist nicht mehr online. Frage: Wurde die Seite in irgendeinem Webarchiv gesichert ?
Gruß, Thomas

2.L-Fl. (16.11.43): 703, 704, 709, 724, 736, 751, 754, 760, 767, 768, 777
2.L-Fl. (16.03.44): 703, 704, 709, 724, 736, 748, 751, 754, 759, 760, 767, 768, 769, 777

Komplette Datenbank führt:
703 (ex MZ 760),  704, 706, 709, 724, 736, 743, 744, 748, 749, 751, 752, 753, 754, 759,
760 (ex MZ 765),  764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 777, 783, 785, 791, 795, 799,
Unter 1. Kennung: 708, 710, 711, 712, 713, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775


Hello (I am not Francesco, sadly he is no longer with us...), www.archeologiaindustriale.it, which was the website of the museum of the Monfalcone shipyard, was replaced by a new website years ago, which recently has been in turn replaced by yet another website. Now the pages about the MZ (and all other vessels built in Monfalcone) can be found by entering the name here: https://www.mucamonfalcone.it/archivio-produzione/#/

For instance, here is the page of MZ 783:



Hello LColombo
I aplogize for using a wrong forename.
Thank you very much for the new link, replacing the old one and carrying on the MZ database.
With best regards, Thomas

PS: Ich habe den neuen Link bei MZ 783 und bei MZ 777 eingefügt.


Gruß, Thorsten

"There is every possibility that things are going to change completely."
(Captain Tennant, HMS Repulse, 09.12.1941)

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