Versenkung von Alfonso d´Albuquerque

Begonnen von Leutnant Werner, 14 Juli 2006, 22:39:10

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Leutnant Werner

Dieses "Kanonenboot", für mich ein Prototyp der heutigen Fregatte (sozusagen eine eierlegende Wollmilchsau), wurde Anfang der 60er, als die Inder die portugisischen Kolonien einkassierten, von einer indischen Task Force mit Artillerie niedergekämpft. Gibt es irgendeine Beschreibung der Aktion im Netz?


Peter K.

Servus EKKE!

Im Moment kann ich dazu nur betragen, daß die "Alfonso d´Albuquerque" am 13.12.1961 von indischen Schiffen versenkt wurde.
Grüße aus Österreich
Peter K.

Leutnant Werner

Laut Potter, Nimitz, Rohwer: Seemacht, München, 1982, S. 1006, kam es am 18. Dezember 1961 vor dem Hafen Mormugoa zu einem zweistündigen (!) Gefecht zwischen der portugisieschen Fregatte AFONSO DE ALBUQUERQUE und einem indischen Kreuzer und zwei Zerstörern, bei dem sich das portugiesische Schiff schließlich kampfunfähig auf Strand setzen musste.
Soviel ich weiß, handelte es sich bei dem indischen Kreuzer um die MYSORE. Zwar war AFONSO mit 4 x 120 mm, 2 x 76 mm, 4 x 40 mm, Bordflugzeug, Minen und Wabo-Werfern für ein Fahrzeug seiner Größe außerordentlich gut bewaffnet, aber gegen die 9 6Zöller von MYSORE hat das natürlich nicht gelangt. Warum haben die trotzdem zwei Stunden gebraucht, um AFONSO in die Knie zu zwingen? Das ist die Frage, weswegen ich gerne mehr über das Gefecht wüßte. Außerdem hätte ich gern nähere Infos über die Bewaffnung von AFONSO zur Zeit der Versenkung. Ich kenne nur jene zur Zeit der Indienststellung.



Ich hab mal ein wenig gegoogelt und Stichworte dabei gewechselt.
Verschiedene Links geben an, daß der Kreuzer wohl nicht ins Gefecht eingriff, sondern nur zwei allerdings moderne indische Fregatten, die Beas und die Betwa. Eventuell noch eine dritte.
(Bei diesem Link gibt es auf der nächsten Seite eine animierte Karte des gesamten Konflikts)

Und hier mal ein Auszug aus einem Forum mit nicht ganz einfachem Englisch, da es wohl per Proramm aus dem indischen oder portugiesischem übersetzt wurde (verständlich ist es aber trotzdem einigermaßen):

Zitat"Share of the Acknowledgment "Alfonso de Albuquerque" During the Invasion of Goa

In the dawn of day 18 of December, the acknowledgment of 1ª classroom "Alfonso de Albuquerque" met anchored in Mormugão. Its garrison enters in the regimen of rigorous prevention in day 8 of this month. In the eventuality of an invasion its mission was to defend the port and to hinder the landing of forces of the Indiana Union in next beaches. The Plan of Operations of the Naval Command of Goa foresaw, beyond the naval share against the Indian naval forces:

The hindrance in place previously chosen when, in the sequência of the combat, it ran the risk of if sinking;

Artilheira share as coastal battery, defending the access to the port;

Its destruction when the ammunition were depleted, its artillery was incapacitated or the invading forces threatened Pangim directamente;

E, finally, the incorporation of the garrison in the nucleus of defense concentrated in Mormugão after the desertion of a ship.

To the 0640 a message was received on board from the Naval Command informing that the invasion had been unchained (the notice already was, however, known since the 0400, therefore she had been transmitted for the Sender of Goa), having the busy staff ranks of combat to the 0655.

About five minutes later, enemy aviation bombed the airport of Dabolim and the Radionaval Station, that immediately was reduced to silence. To the 0730, however, the ship established communications with Lisbon. Until the 1030 it transmitted (and it received) some messages for the General staff of the Armed, giving account of its position and the observed bombardeamentos. One of the transmitted messages was of Comandante-Chefe for the National Defense where, one more time, it communicated the lack of half making face to the attack.

By return of the 0900 three Indian frigates had been sighted to the plaza of Mormugão, having the busy garrison the ranks of surface combat (personal sufficient did not exist on board to guarantee the components simultaneously antiaircraft anti-surface and, for that it had to be a refugee however to one however to another one, as the threat of the moment). To the 1200 frigates they headed to the port the great speed and opened fire with all its artillery, having one of the five anchored merchant ships in the been bay reached. The Commander of the acknowledgment, Capitão-de-Mar-e-Guerra António of the Aragão Wedge, ordered, then, to prick the mooring cable, to open fire and to leave the port to face the enemy ships.

Capitão-de-Mar-e-Guerra António of the Aragão Wedge.

Of these some signals of morse had been transmitted acoustic that, had to the noise of the combat, they had not been immediately descodificados.O Commander ordered to suspend the fire, having, however, commanded its continuation before having been received the two last letters that constituíam the only word of the message: "to surrender". In this height one of the frigates it was reached and it relieved by destroyer.

"Alfonso de Albuquerque" was, however, in a highly disadvantageous situation, therefore he maneuvered in a confined area, while the enemy ships, to the routes north and south, it are of the port, could use all its artillery. Also great disparidades to the level of the fire power were verified: each Indiana frigate made use of 4 parts of 101 mm, with a cadence of 60 shots per minute (and better capacity of target due to existence of direcções of shot), while only possuía the Portuguese acknowledgment 4 parts of 120 mm, with a rhythm of 2 shots per minute.

It did not delay, thus, that "Alfonso de Albuquerque" suffered first impactes, one of which reached in full the directora tower, causing the death of 1º grumete telegrapher Rosary of the Mercy and wounding the Commander with gravity. This called the Head the Service of Navigation, 2º Lieutenant Sarmento Gouveia, and asked for to it that it transmitted to the Immediate Officer the order to assume the command and of not surrendering.

In this height, another enemy frigate was reached and substituted for a new unit.

1º grumete telegrapher Rosary of the Mercy.

When assuming the command, the Immediate one, Commander Young chicken Da Cruz saw itself collated with the premature destruction of the propeller installation, therefore the Head of the Service of Machines (that she loses the communications with the bridge) understands the order of opening of the valves of deep flooding the paióis the reverse speed as the beginning of the plan of destruction of the ship. He did not remain to it, then, another alternative senão to command the hindrance of the ship it are of the place previously established (front to the beach of Bambolim and not to the one of Paula Owner), what he happened for return of the 1235.

He verified, however, 2º Lieutenant Sarmento Gouveia who somebody hoists a flag of truce numa das halyards. As it was rolled in the lintel of signals (what it practically became impossible its avistamento for the Indian ships, that had continued the fire) the halyard was broken when it was tried to collapse it, finishing for being removed and being destroyed by 1º Lieutenant Martins Gonçalves.

But with the inoperativa directora tower, the damaged electric circuits, the mount-loads of the vante parts are of share and the two stuck parts of reverse speed, "Alfonso de Albuquerque" had depleted its combatant capacity (efectuara about 400 shots, having inflicted 18 decreases - 5 died and 13 wounded - to the enemy), for that, about the 1250, order was given to initiate the desertion of a ship. The national flag remained hoisted.

The enemy fire continued with great intensity, not only around the ship as also on the beach. Exactly thus, a group of officers, sergeants and squares returned to the ship, always underneath of fire, in a vain attempt to find a boat that could carry the Commander for sea until Mormugão.

In land, the Port authority of Mormugão(1), Capitão-Tenente Abel de Oliveira, indicated as local of meeting to the garrison of "Alfonso de Albuquerque" the Naval Military Club, in Caranzalem (when abandoning the ship, - the majority I swim it - the staff could not carry obtains more of the one than some individual weapons, for that it was not in conditions to incorporate the defense in land), having the Commander been carried in a viatura the Pertaining to school Hospital from Pangim.

About the 1300 of day 19, the garrison was, finally, imprisoned. The Commander of the Indian forces dislocated itself personally to the Pertaining to school Hospital of Pangim to visit Aragão Commander and to inquire itself about the state of the wounded remains.

In the beginning of 1962, "Alfonso de Albuquerque" would be towed for Bombay and, later, vendido for scrap iron, after of it to have been removed some parts, that if find in exposition in a naval museum of that city.

Der ganze Forenbeitrag beschreibt die ganze Aktion der Befreiung Goas, hier der Link:

Quellenlage natürlich unbekannt...  ;-)
Gruß, Thorsten

"There is every possibility that things are going to change completely."
(Captain Tennant, HMS Repulse, 09.12.1941)

Forum MarineArchiv / Historisches MarineArchiv

Leutnant Werner

vielen Dank erst mal, t-g

die 114mm/l 45 Mk V von BEAS und BETWA schossen nicht 60mal pro Minute, sondern maximal 24 mal, Geschossgewicht 25 kg, Reichweite 18900m, moderne Feuerleitung
die 120mm/l 50 Mk IX von AFONSO konnte nicht nur zwei, sondern 7-10 Schuss pro Minute abgeben, Geschossgewicht 22,7 kg, Reichweite 15500 m,
moderne Feuerleitung fraglich.

Also war der Nachteil nicht ganz so groß wie im Bericht, dennoch hatten die Portugiesen ganz klar die Arschkarte gezogen. Letztendlich wird der Ausbildungsstand und das Material der Portugiesen nicht so prächtig gewesen sein. Der Bericht ist wirklich schwer zu verstehen, aber mir scheint, nach dem Brückentreffer und der Verwundung des Kommandanten herrschte Verwirrung und die konnten gar nicht schnell genug runter von dem Dampfer.
Haben die Portugiesen auf den indischen Fregatten auch Treffer erzielt?



Dazu habe ich nichts entsprechendes rauslesen können, könnte bedeuten nein.

Aber aus Zeitmangel habe ich auch nicht jedes Detail gelesen, um ehrlich zu sein. ;-)
Gruß, Thorsten

"There is every possibility that things are going to change completely."
(Captain Tennant, HMS Repulse, 09.12.1941)

Forum MarineArchiv / Historisches MarineArchiv

Leutnant Werner

Ah, jetzt hab ichs kapiert: AFONSO hat insgesamt 400 Schuss in 50 Minuten abgegeben und dabei Treffer und Gegnerverluste erzielt (5 Tote, 18 Verwundete).

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